Develop balance, agility, and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of gymnastics activities.
Explore gymnastic actions and body shapes, moving confidently, using changes of speed, level, and direction.
Copy or create movement phrases with beginnings, middles and ends.
Watch, copy and describe what they and others have done.
What pathways can I move on?
What different ways to travel are there?
How do I travel on different pathways using different body actions?
Explain that this activity will warm the children's muscles and begin to generate ideas for the coming gymnastics movements.
Recap the importance of a strong core.
Teaching Points:
Encourage controlled and extended movements in the warm-up. Ask the children to suggest how to warm-up safely, and to explain why warming up is important.
Moving around the space in different ways on command, perform different actions associated with pancakes. For example:
pancake - lay flat on the floor.
flip - flip from back to Tummy on the floor in a roll action.
lemon - tuck up in a round body shape like a lemon. Sugar - make a star shape with V shaped legs and V shaped arms and twist your arms from side-to-side sprinkling sugar.
frying pan - sit with legs in a V shape, stretch back tall with arms in a V shape, bend body in half to touch the floor as if putting the pancake into the frying pan.
Actions - ways of travelling - skip, bunny hop, creep, stride.
Space - levels, direction, size of space, pathways.
Dynamics - speed, tempo, weight at which movements are performed.
Relationships - working alone, as a class, in small groups.
Key vocabulary - related to lesson intention.
Teaching Points:
Encourage a variety of sizes, speeds, directions, and levels.
Explain how the following activity allows the children to 'refine' the skills they have just worked on, as the skill is included in this activity.
Ask the children to decide on three different 2D shape pathways to travel along, three different ways to travel using different body parts and link together to form a sequence.
Practise and perform.
Join with another child and show each other your sequence.
Suggest one praise against the learning intentions and one suggestion for improvement.
Allow the children time to practise and make these improvements.
As a final performance perform your sequence three times to any chosen music.
Can you add a start and finish position?
Stretches whilst self or peer evaluating.
Evaluate what went well (against the learning intention):
Develop balance, agility, and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of gymnastics activities.
Explore gymnastic actions and body shapes, moving confidently, using changes of speed, level, and direction.
Copy or create movement phrases with beginnings, middles and ends.
Watch, copy and describe what they and others have done.
Discuss how improvements can be made in their following lesson/performance.